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Dr. Mohammad Islam

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Dr. Mohammad Islam received the BSc and the MSc degrees from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the PhD degree from the University of Akron, Ohio, USA, all in electrical engineering, in 1994, 1996 and 2001, respectively. Currently, he is a Chief Scientist at HL Mechatronics in Bay City, Michigan where he manages design and development of electric motors, magnetic sensors and actuators and EMC/EMI related activities for automotive applications. From 1994 to 1996, he was with the electrical and electronic engineering department of BUET as a lecturer. From 2001 to 2013 he worked for Delphi Steering and Nexteer Automotive in Saginaw, Michigan as a staff research engineer at the R&D Center.

Dr. Islam is widely known in the automotive industry for the development of permanent magnet synchronous motors, innovative low-cost sensors and actuators, particularly torque sensors, position sensors, steering/braking actuators with permanentmagnet (PM) brushless motors. Since their inception, the motors and sensors have been produced in tens of millions by many automotive OEMs worldwide. As a recognition of his contributions to the technical community and real world applications, Dr. Islam was elevated to IEEE Fellow class 2016 with the citation “for development of electromagnetic sensors and actuators for automotive applications”. As more and more electrifications happening in transportation sectors, he continued to develop electric motors and sensors for redundant safety critical architectures for automotive applications. In 2019, Dr. Islam was named one of the recipients of the prestigious Nagamori award with the citation “Contributions to electric motors and electromagnetic actuators and sensors for safety critical automotive applications”.

Dr. Islam served as the chair of the transportation systems committee of IPCSDIAS. He served in IAS executive board as the Chair of awards department from 2013-2016. He also served as vice chair and chair in IAS fellow review committee during 2017-2018 and 2019-2020, respectively. He also served in the IEEE fellow review committee in 2021. He also served as the technical program chair of ECCE 2022. Dr. Islam has published 24 journal and over 46 conference papers and currently holds 36 US patents with several more pending. His research interests include electric machines, adjustable speed drives and EMC for automotive applications.